Employees & self-employed

Employees and self-employed can contact me for individual coaching.

Possible questions could be:

How do I enjoy my work again?

Would I be happier in another job? And in which one?

Is an independent activity something for me? Do I continue my own business?
What do I really want with my life?

“I’m only 26 and I don’t feel like it anymore…"

How do I avoid a burn-out or a bore-out? How do I continue after the crash?

What does career guidance do for you?

  • During the sessions you will get a crystal clear view on your wishes, dreams and goals.
  • We explore your talents and your strengths. You will gain more insight into your pitfalls and why some collaborations do and don’t go well. We always hold up a mirror to you.
  • We help you redesign your job, also when it concerns an independent activity.
  • If relevant, we’ll find out what you’re worth on the job market, we’ll help you apply for a job.
  • And we strengthen your self-confidence to make realistic decisions that fit your life after the sessions. So that you can get back to work with pleasure! Because no one should be unhappy from work! And you really don’t have to wait for the burn-out to take action.


Do you need more information?
Feel free to contact me!